by Enio Sacilotto, Director of Program Development, Victoria Royals (WHL), President, International Hockey Camps.
We are early into the off season and you are working on fitness, getting some on ice training and playing spring games and tournaments. Have you planned for next season?
Before you start preparing you must ask yourself one important question: what do I want for next season? Most athletes go into training camp and the season without really knowing what they want. They wander around aimlessly and place their focus on what they don’t want.
Goalsetting is like playing darts: you have a target and darts, you throw your darts and you know what you are aiming for! What does your ideal season look like? What areas of your game do you need to improve on? What team are you looking to play on? Are there any off-ice areas you need to work on? The first step is to decide what you want and the “how-tos” will reveal themselves! So, don’t worry about how you are going to do it, just put up your target!
After knowing what you want you need to follow a basic 3 step process:
1) Step 1 – Write it down on paper! There is power in recording ideas and wants. Writing down what you desire will make your vision clear and clarity of vision is power! You need to envision your goal on the inside before it appears on the outside.
At 15 years, old John Goddard wrote out his life list of 127 goals and things that he hoped to accomplish. The list is very comprehensive and some things are difficult to achieve. He reached 109 of his life goals. Go to his website http://www.johngoddard.info/life_list.htm to learn more about him. The point here John had his targets, wrote them down and has reached many of them! John Goddard “succeeds on purpose”!
Assignment for this week: write down your goals!
2) Step 2 – See it or imagine it – keep your goal before your eyes. What you think about you will bring about! Keep your written goals handy and look at them frequently.
Using your mind’s eye see yourself making the team. See yourself improving in the areas you want to improve on. Use all your senses, see it, feel it, touch it, taste it and hear it! What you imagine you will bring to life!
Jack Canfield, author and one of the founders of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” tells a story of when he was younger. He was invited to a theme party where all the guests had to show up in costumes and props showing their future desired selves as they would be in 5 years. Everyone had to talk the part and act as they would be in the future. Jack brought books and went as New York times bestselling author. Today Jack Canfield has authored more than 45 books, many of them on the New York Times Best Seller’s list. Jack Canfield used his mind’s eye, he saw and felt his image of what he wanted. You must take control of the movies you play in your mind! Use your imagination, refer to your written goals, see and feel yourself as if you are already there! Successful people see themselves and visualize their future.
Take the time, find out what works for you. For some people morning works best, for some before bed time works. Some people use guided relaxation recordings. Go with what works and flows for you. What would it look and feel like for you if you had reached your goal. Take time from your busy day, relax, close your eyes and let your mind do the work. Working your mind is just as important as working your body!
Assignment for this week: Take 5 minutes per day – seeing and feeling your goal as if it has already happened. Thinking and seeing precedes achievement.
3) Step 3: Just Do it! Just doing it means get up and get started! All high achieving athletes have an “Action Plan”. Plan your schedules, plan your on and off ice workouts. Make a phone call, talk to an NHL player or a coach that can help you with advice on how to reach your goals.
Reaching your goal that you desire is not easy. It takes time and effort. Sometimes things are not going to go your way but you must keep on persevering. You must fight for your dreams to come true. Most people fail something because they gave up too early and did not realise how close they were to their success. They chose not to put the effort in to reach their dreams. Henry Ford of the Ford Motor company went bankrupt 5 times, Walt Disney founder of Disneyland and Disney films went bankrupt 7 times, but they persevered!
ACT: – get coaching, find a mentor and hang out with like-minded people! Move in the direction of what you desire. Make your goal a journey, an adventure and enjoy the experience. What you believe in, you act on!
Assignment for next week: write down 3 action steps then take the 3 action steps!
In conclusion, you must first think it: then follow the 3 basic success principles 1) Write it 2) See it and 3) Do it! Once this is done you will have a solid action plan and things will begin to happen for you! If you need help with anything please call me at 604 255 4747 or email me at enio@coachenio.com