Mental Edge High-Performance Coaching Seminars

Open to teams and organizations, Coach Enio provides seminars training you in the mental skills needed to play like a pro.


Everyone in sports talks about sports being 90% mental, but how many athletes and coaches take the time to learn and practice the techniques and tools? To achieve greatness, you need to learn and practise mental skills like working on your sports skills and going to the gym to work on your fitness. In the coming months, we will introduce assorted topics full of practical exercises for you to work through. These seminars are open to athletes of any sport (13 & up), coaches, and parents.

Seminars are on ZOOM.

Download the “Zoom cloud meetings” app to access the meeting and create a free profile. We will send you a ZOOM ID and PASSWORD and additional information 24 hours before the start of the Zoom Training Session.

Our Next Session:

Playing in the Zone: Mindfulness



March 2, 2024

10:00 - 11:00 am PST

Seminar Cost

Before February 12, 2024


