By Enio Sacilotto, President International Hockey Camps, Hockey Director, E15 Coach, West Vancouver Hockey Academy, Head Coach, Croatian National Men’s Hockey Team
It is try out time and all eyes are on you, coaches, evaluators, parents, and fellow athletes. You are being evaluated on whether you will be selected for the team or not. Making the team has been your goal since the end of last season. As you enter the tryout stage, this can be a very stressful time for you.
The most important thing that you can teach yourself is to focus on the “controllables”, in other words focus on the things that you have control over. You don’t need to stress on how many players are trying out, what the drills are, or what time of the day the tryout session is taking place. You have absolutely no control over these things. In this article you will be offered 9 tips to take control of the things that you can control, this will help you overcome the stress so you will be performing at your best, giving you the best chance to make the team.
1. BE PREPARED: The most important step to take should have taken place at the end of last season or earlier this summer. You spent time setting your goal on making the team, you asked and determined why you want to make the team, you made your plan and you worked hard all summer in order to be physically and mentally ready for the tryout.
Then you have your short term preparation leading up to the try out date. Make sure you have all your equipment prepared, you are eating well, properly hydrated and get the optimal sleep time. We have seen time and time again over the years that first impressions are very important in the try out process, so be prepared. Your first few sessions are critical so be prepared!
2. WORK PAST YOUR COMFORT ZONE – In other words push yourself to work as hard as you ever have. Coaches love players that work hard. We always tell players to be “comfortable being uncomfortable”. Having said this make sure you remember to not only work hard, but work smart! Do not try to do more than you are capable of doing. Play within your position and do your job only. Do not try to do your teammates job, you will then forget to do yours, all you can do is your best at what you are capable of doing.
3. DEALING WITH MISTAKES – Everyone makes mistakes, the best athletes in the world make mistakes. The difference is that best athletes, stay in the moment and forget their mistakes fast! Yes, they are good at forgetting! Dwelling on mistakes will only make you more tense and nervous, putting you at risk to make more mistakes. Take a few deep breaths, use your mind’s eye (visualization) crumble up the mistake and throw it in the fire, take another deep breath, re-focus, get back in the moment and get back at it being stronger than ever!
4. FOCUS ON THE TASK AT HAND – Don’t worry about the coaches or the evaluators. Looking at them for approval is not going to get you on the team, your performance in the arena of play is going to get you on the team. Be in the first row in front of the coaching board, pay attention when drills are being explained, be first in line, pay attention to the details of the drills and execute to the best of your ability!
5. BE A LEADER – Some of us are more natural leaders than others, but we are all capable of leadership. You don’t even have to be the best player to be a leader. Be a leader during the tryout, encourage other players, be positive with them and be a team player. By showing passion and enthusiasm you will stand out from the rest of the pack. You would be surprised how much coaches look for leadership in their players. Yes, even during tryouts!
6. DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHER PLAYERS – There is only one YOU and you are special, we are all special. Use your energy in focusing on your strength and the job you need to do. You have no control over competitors. No matter what you do, there are always going to be players that are better or worse than you are. By comparing yourself to others you are only creating frustration and a waste of energy.
7. BE GRATEFUL AND HUMBLE – An attitude of gratitude is altitude! Be humble and grateful for the opportunities you have in your life. Good health, a good family and the opportunity to compete in a sport or activity that you like. All the great athletes are grateful and humble! Go on Youtube and listen to interviews with Wayne Gretzky, Paul Kariya, Sidney Crosby, Michael Jordan and Seth Curry. These guys are all grateful and humble. You can see it in their mannerisms and tone of voice. Gratitude goes a long way!
8. NOT MAKING THE TEAM IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD – If things do not work out, don’t worry, there are lots of teams you can play for. Michael Jordon did not make his high school basketball team, Joe Sakic did not make his Midget team. They stuck with it and went on to be professional players. Do some research and make a plan B, there are lots of teams you can play for, someone somewhere needs you and wants you on their team!
9. HAVE FUN – At the end of the day we are in this world to learn, get better and enjoy the experiences of life, including sports. So hang loose and enjoy the ride!
When you gain control of all 9 tips, you will have a stress free tryout and the greatest opportunity to make the team. Lastly as a bonus tip, make sure you take responsibility for your own choices. You cannot set goals for others such as parents, friends, coaches or teachers. Your goal to tryout and make a team has to come from your heart, you cannot do things to please others, DO IT FOR YOURSELF!!!
If you have any questions, you reach me by email at enio@coachenio.com, phone 604 255 4747 or visit my website at www.caochenio.com for free player, parent and coaching resources. You can also learn about our specialized personal hockey camps.