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Quarantined and bored? 65 ways to pass the time in COVID-19 isolation

If you’re like all my arts- and entertainment-loving friends these days, you’ve been sitting in your home enjoying some aspects of self-isolation (the chance to read a book, for instance) but craving your fix of theatre or music.

Or, perhaps, you’re looking for ways to occupy the other humans (small or large) who are now sharing your household space with you.

Whatever your reason for seeking diversion – and really, in times like these, who needs a reason? – then you’ll be delighted by this list that came my way, courtesy of my sister Carol MacLellan (who’s currently weathering the world of self-isolation from her home in Toronto). 

With her permission, I am reprinting this fabulous list here so that everyone out there who’s dealing with cabin fever can find something to occupy their time other than obsessively scrolling the COVID-19 news.




Other Arts:



Armchair Tourism:




Games / Kids / Just for Fun: