The Importance of Being a Team Player
By Janis Meredith | Posted 9/17/2020
Parents, coaches and kids have probably heard all the arguments for why being a team player is so important in youth sports. Athletes support each other and work together for a common goal. When each one fulfills their specific role, the end result is going to be much, much better. I would even venture to say that a team full of individuals has a bigger mountain to climb if they want to win. But working together makes the mountain not quite as steep.
There is yet another reason that being a team player is so important; It has nothing to do with today, and everything to do with tomorrow. Take a few minutes and look to the future with me as I explain.
In the future, your child will be an adult who, unless they are a solo entrepreneur, will inevitably be on a team in their place of employment. The importance of teamwork is essential in today’s work world. In a 21st century economy, most jobs involve interacting with others that are in different professions. Effective teamwork is critical for any business.
In your child’s future place of employment, teamwork will help them get along better, get ahead quicker, and get the job done more professionally.
My three kids all played sports through college and today they are all on teams.
My oldest daughter is the lead teacher of a team of seven kindergarten teachers. She not only sees the importance of teamwork as a teacher but as the leader, she knows teamwork brings unity as they help each other out, making the job easier for everyone.
My son works for a financial investment firm. He is on a team that is scattered due to COVID, but this makes teamwork even more vital. He sees that team-work means clear and consistent communication. He knows that as he supports and helps his teammates, they will all perform better.
My youngest daughter works for a painting and remodeling contractor. She works with a team of estimators and workers managing projects. She believes that if they are going to make customers happy, they must all be on the same page and work together, supporting each other in their respective roles.
No matter where your child ends up in their career, they will be most likely be working with a team of some sort. And there is no doubt that what they learned about being a team player in youth sports will help them adjust to being a team player at work.
So, parents and coaches, keep preaching the teamwork message. It is a lesson that will literally transform workplaces in the future if young athletes see it modeled and are expected to embody it in the game.
Janis Meredith is a family life coach who wants to help all parents raise champions. You can find out more at