- Both sides move at the same time – 8 players.
- Whistle 1: Starts the 2 on one from the corner. F1 and F2 vs D1 to the net as quickly as possible.
- Whistle 2: The next player in the corner passes the puck up to D2 at the blue line. D2 walks the blue line and takes a shot on the net. F1 and F2 are battling D1 in front of the net and looking to screen and tip the puck. D1 is trying to block out the forwards and get under sticks in front of the net.
- Whistle 3: D1 picks up a puck in the corner and breaks out F1 and F2. D2 slips over and plays the 2 1 into the opposite end of the ice.
from Blake White, Minnesota hockey